Some expectant parents may have a lack of support. Support is vital during pregnancy because the lack of it can affect the physical and mental health of the mother during and after pregnancy. Where can an expectant mother receive pregnancy assistance?
Right From the Start
If a pregnant mother in West Virginia lacks support, a Designated Care Coordinator, or DCC, who is either a registered nurse or licensed social worker, can provide the support they need. Right From the Start assigns the DCC’s who will help the pregnant mother by giving all of the information they need. This information includes childbirth and labor, nutrition, body changes during pregnancy, quitting smoking, community support/resources (WIC, DHHR, etc.), arranging transportation to medical appointments, helping find a place to live, and finding baby care items. The DCC’s from Right From the Start also helps mothers learn skills and give resources to keep them and their family safe, healthy and happy.
Unplanned or unintended pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs when no children or no more children are desired. It can also mean that the pregnancy is mistimed, such as the pregnancy occurring earlier than expected. In 2019 Brookings Institution said that unplanned pregnancies made up around 45% of pregnancies. When pregnancy is unexpected, the mother can lack information and face some tough decisions in the weeks to come.
HAPI Project
When a pregnant mother lacks information, they may need pregnancy assistance in finding information and services. The HAPI Project was created to be a resource for expectant mothers. HAPI’s goal is to help reduce infant mortality. They hope to accomplish this by reducing the incidence of preterm labor and low birth weight babies and improving the overall health of women and their families. They work to improve overall health by ensuring the mothers and their families are informed and receiving the services they need. The information and services provided can be a changing factor in whether or not the expectant mother has a healthy baby.
During an unplanned pregnancy, an expectant mother must consider what will happen after they give birth to their child. They can do this by creating a plan. Creating a plan for your child during an unintended pregnancy can be a complicated process. Burlington works to assist parents in developing this plan, whether it is to parent the child or create an adoption plan. The services provided to parents include free and confidential counseling to help the expectant mother make the best decision possible for her and her child.
The use of tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drugs or the misuse of prescription drugs by a pregnant woman can have severe health consequences for their infant. Expectant mothers who have a problem with substance abuse should seek and know where they can find assistance.
Staggers Recovery House
One of the programs offered in West Virginia is the Staggers Recovery House. The Staggers Recovery House is a 12 to 18-month residential living program for women in recovery. The program accepts pregnant women and provides a safe, sober and supportive environment for the women in the program. Staggers Recover House also helps those involved work individually on long-term goals while making connections with community resources.
The meaningful work we do every day at Burlington United Methodist Family Services, Inc. provides hope and healing to individuals and families throughout communities, the state of West Virginia and beyond. If you need help or have questions about fostering, adoption, prenatal services, addiction recovery or any of our other services, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at 304-260-5884 or
“For I know what I have planned for you,” says the Lord. “I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.” — Jeremiah 29:11